Fotona Laser Therapy

Fotona Laser Therapy in Birmingham, MI

Our Approach to Laser Dentistry

At Birmingham Holistic Dentistry, we truly believe in a holistic approach to your care, and that's why we love using Fotona Laser Therapy. This fantastic technology allows us to provide precise and gentle treatments, ensuring your wellbeing and promoting optimal oral health. With our focus on minimally-invasive procedures, you can expect the best care possible.

WeVenue reception area
Intraoral Scanning
Oral Cancer Screening
PH Testing for Saliva
Microscopic Oral Microbiome Exam
Cleaning & Exam
Intraoral Scanning
Oral Cancer Screening
PH Testing for Saliva
Microscopic Oral Microbiome Exam
Cleaning & Exam
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Stop by and say hi! 👋
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! Stop by and say hi! 👋

The Benefits of Fotona Laser Therapy

Our advanced Fotona All-Tissue Laser allows for more precise and minimally invasive treatments, resulting in a vast array of benefits when compared to traditional methods.

Comfortable and Minimally-Invasive Treatments

Fotona Laser Therapy offers precise and gentle treatments, reducing discomfort during procedures and facilitating faster recovery times for our patients.

Accelerated Healing and Tissue Regeneration

The advanced technology of Fotona Laser Therapy promotes tissue regeneration and accelerates natural healing processes, leading to exceptional treatment outcomes.

Versatility for Comprehensive and Safe Care

Our laser treatments allow for a wide range of minimally-invasive procedures, ensuring conservative and effective treatments that prioritize your overall health and safety.

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Minimally-Invasive Care

Laser Treatments We Offer

Hard-Tissue Procedures

Discover the effectiveness of Fotona Laser Therapy for hard-tissue procedures, including drill-free cavity preparation and dental fillings. The laser's precision allows for conservative tooth preparation and preserves more healthy tooth structure than is possible with traditional methods.

Soft-Tissue Procedures

Our laser treatments provide precision and control, making gum contouring, periodontal treatments, and other soft-tissue procedures more comfortable and efficient, all while reducing treatment times and greatly minimizing the risk of infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Fotona Laser Therapy painful?

Fotona Laser Therapy is designed to be minimally invasive and generally causes less discomfort than traditional treatments. Most patients report little to no pain during the laser procedures.

Are Fotona Laser treatments more expensive than traditional procedures?

While some laser treatments may have slightly higher upfront costs, they often lead to reduced recovery times and improved outcomes, potentially resulting in overall cost savings in the long run.

Is Fotona Laser Therapy safe for all patients?

Yes, Fotona Laser Therapy is safe for most patients. Dr. Chirco carefully evaluates each case to determine the suitability of laser treatments for your specific needs, and will only recommend treatments that will directly benefit your oral and overall health.